Sunday, November 25, 2012

WP3 Rough Draft

Anthony Castruita, HOST:
A man goes to the hospital to visit his Chinese neighbor, who’s on life- support. When he comes near his bed, his neighbor screams something in Chinese, and then dies. A month later, the man goes to his neighbor’s funeral to hold a speech, saying “I still remember the last thing he said to me.” He then repeats his neighbor’s last words, and the neighbor’s family is in shocked. Confused, the man asks his neighbor’s widow what he just said and she replies: It means “You’re standing on my oxygen tube jerk!”
Just a little joke to set the mood, but enough of my jokes here is an excerpt from Noah Findley.
 (Sound Bit)
Anthony Castruita, HOST:
ASU Comedy is a group on campus that performs comedian acts to the student body/ visitors at the MU Stage. However the part of it we are going to focus on is the ASU Stand Up. ASU Stand Up is called Stand Up vs The World which was influenced by Jonathan Davis. The purpose of this group of students is to do what they love to do and that is stand up. They have a passion to make people laugh while also being themselves telling hilarious jokes. The comedy shows are free which a major plus for students looking to have a great time at little to no cost.
No matter what the occasion, going to one of these events will provide a night with a lot of laughter and excitement. Each comic performer has their own style with each provides a variety of different jokes and topics. Furthermore each has a different experience when it comes to life, even to school.  A sense of humor is a big thing when it comes to people. Having a sense of humor brings a good time to any type of activity. Coming to one of these events will provide a great hangout or if you’re having a bad week laughter can make up for a rough five days. SU vs TW is every Friday at 9:00 pm sharp at the MU stage. There are other events involving ASU Comedy on Fridays but SU vs TW is bar far a funnier type with just a stand up king of atmosphere.
Payum Sedahgat: Talks about the aspects of the show. How he feels about the show and any recommendations of the show.

Anthony Castruita: Many people are unfamiliar that ASU has a stand-up comedy type event going on at campus. Being a child from a father that is a comedian makes me want to find a way to laugh. Going to these events I seem to get out laughter easily adapting to the topics of the current college students jokes. I don’t usually laugh at anything, but I give everything a chance to make me laugh at certain things. For some inexpensive experience and some laughter, highly recommend coming to a show not only for support, but the experience. And if you think that you’re funnier than the comics on stage  they will call you on stage and see if you got what it takes. On that note I think that I will soon have to give that a try to see if everything works out if I want to pursue a comedy career.
(Sound Bit)- Jonathan Davis
Jonathan Davis: Talks about what made him start SU vs TW; what led him to comedy; how does he think comedy has evolved at ASU, SU vs TW compared to other shows, and how to join if interested.
Anthony Castruita: Thanks to everyone sharing their thoughts and opinions when it comes to ASU Comedy. As said before the show brings a lot of laughter and you can even join if interested. Need a night of laughter or even something to do come down to the MU stage every Friday at 9 pm and be a part of the hilarious stand up presented by the ASU Comedy club on campus. The importance of this show is to bring on the laughter in the student body of the Sun Devils. .
(Sound Bit)

[Make it more of an NPR type transcript, introduce Payum and Jonathan; Explain why it is important to ASU]

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