Thursday, September 20, 2012

Starbucks MU WP1 Rough Draft

Every time I walk into the north side of the MU the Starbucks line is always full to capacity. The space around the area is tiny, barely enough room to stand, to order or even receive your order. The long lines suck, however conversations start easily because of impatience a long with anxiety. No matter the time of the day Starbucks is always busy. Observing the workers, they are just doing repetitions making hundreds of the same drinks daily. They seem happy and kind, but deep down they have become bored. Why do my peers or even professionals like/ love Starbucks so much? When buying the merchandise, students either us M& G or cash/ credit card.  Not being the coffee kind of person, I just don’t understand how my peers can go to Starbucks every day. Is it because it is on the go, getting their drinks at a rapid rate; maybe they woke up late leaving no time to eat breakfast or make their own coffee. After someone orders and gives their name, so the clerk can write it on the cup. People get too anxious when the clerk is about to call out someone’s name hoping it is them. When it comes to this specific Starbucks patience is the key.  There are three other Starbucks on campus but somehow this one is always packed to the capacity. I would hope for the Starbucks to reconstruct its self but it would change the whole atmosphere of how the company is established. Although the Starbucks in the MU is basically what I described, there is much more to the space than what initially meets the eye.

Body Paragraphs
In my experience the Starbucks north of the MU is always cramped with the lines being longer than the Nile River. Some people having no patience whatsoever always complaining about the wait of service. While being in line I can see who the normal Starbuck customers and which ones barely come, the ones that aren’t normal buyers stay at the menu becoming over decisive. I am not very fond of coffee, but Starbucks does have a great variety of Danishes. Standing in these long lines you get to meet a lot of new people or here peoples’ sob stories. During my experience I wanted about ten minutes to get to the register. Looking around there are always people with their electronics either studying or just surfing the web. The reason for long lines and compacted areas could be in part to the popularity of Starbucks or it can coincide to the kind of “follow the leader aspect” Frank Norris explains. Furthermore as society loves Starbucks and picks it over many other top coffee chains, some people might like different other coffee shops but choose to be the same staying with just Starbucks. So many times people don’t like to be different than the majority of society because they would be considered to be weird. Not being biased Starbucks is great and college kids are supposed to be managing their money but either society is in love with Starbucks or maybe it is just trending. It could be due to some people not giving themselves enough time to get up to make their own coffee or eat breakfast rather they just go to Starbucks to have them make it for them. Caffeine does help with tiredness but having enough sleep can also play a factor into this. Many students don’t get their eight hours of sleep that they need, some stay up longer to study and what not.  The way society is can be due to part of someone getting the attention of individuals and becoming a unity to apply the same expectations of getting coffee from Starbucks. If you walk into Dunkin’ Donuts it won’t be as packed as Starbucks due to the fact that its popularity isn’t as high. For example there are four Starbucks located on campus with only one Dunkin’ Donuts located close to campus. It can also be due to that the coffee differs from one another even though coffee somewhat comes from the same plants. Society plays a major part in why many people choose to get their coffee from Starbucks than other places; somewhat like how McDonalds has separated itself from the fast food industry.
Frank Norris also talks about the repetitiveness of Polk Street and that can relate fairly well to the Starbucks in the MU. Many of the workers are students making extra money for college, even just people working to put food on the table. However what they do it is always a repetitive, accomplishing the same normal tasks everyday. It gets boring sometimes as you can tell from their body language, but they keep a smile on to hide the boredom of the job. Doing the same things everyday can get a bit boring, causing interests to be less than what they started. That is like every job in America most people working from eight to five. But instead of stressing and complaining about their job, some people make their job fun for themselves along with others. If the employees of Starbucks didn't look pleased or happy, then the service would be shallow compared to full. Also the moods from the employee can help change a bad for a customer to a splendid day. Customers, peers, sometimes go to Starbucks every chance they can get to get the must needed coffee essentials. Doesn't matter the time, they just repeat and get the same drink time after time. Norris tries to imply that society has the same tasks individuals performs everyday. You can look out the window the same time for three weeks and will always see the same thing you have seen for the past three weeks. This ties into Starbucks because even though it might be different people and what not the same long lines with the same ordering happens everyday. There will always be tons of people, people on their electronics doing the same thing not changing up their tactical.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Overall you had good points throughout the rough draft. However in the middle of the paper, it seems to be too much explaining about why people go to Starbucks rather than other coffee shops and a little too descriptive of the people around there. If you are going to describe the people that you see, I feel that you should try and describe them through Frank Norris’s lens. By doing that, the idea of how the students are working to try and make a living will feel a lot more valid. The last paragraph you wrote was very good. You bring up the idea of the lens a lot and how it relates to the Starbucks which is good. My advice to you would take the final paragraph and split it up a little and incorporate more into the other paragraphs. By incorporating it more throughout the whole paper instead of just the end, the paper will not feel as descriptive in the sense of your surroundings but rather through the lens in which you chose. The best part about the entire paper was when you tied in Norris explaining how society has the same tasks for individuals everyday. If you could use one more example like that in the body paragraph, it will give the reader a better sense of the lens that you chose. With that said, it was a good rough draft!
